Thanks for writing.
John James Jacoby, a BuddyPress committing developer, and also a mentor in the GSoC programme, has told me very recently that this weekend he will be writing up a blog post this weekend with regards to BuddyPress and GSoC. I’ll ping him towards this thread so he can make sure you know where to look for it. Thanks.
I’m also going to apply for a gsoc project related to buddypress, I already have some ideas ( https://buddypress.org/forums/topic/ignore-and-report-function-in-the-activity-stream#post-46033 ). Application is nearly finished but still not submitted so I’d also like to read jjj suggestions.
With less than a day left now,there’s probably little value in putting the blog post up. 
But, you can refer to these links for ideas.
Some things I’m excited to see:
An events component that doesn’t *require* bp-groups
Privacy that uses WordPress roles and capabilities
Inappropriate content flagging
User attachments
@jjj I submitted my proposal some days ago, part of the project is ‘inappropriate content flagging’. Your opinion would be appreciated. I wrote a post about it here http://flweb.it/2010/04/google-summer-of-code-project-media-component-and-moderation-for-buddypress but it’s probably more detailed in the proposal you should be able to read in GSoC site. Thanks