I have it on my setup right now. I’m not sure that it’s doing anything for BP, to be honest, but I also don’t know how to check
I looked at the plugin page on my wp-admin side and it’s all `./wp-comments-post.php` down the board.
Cookies for Comments works, though.
I’ve got it installed for 24 hours and, so far, nothing blocked in the cache. HOWEVER, I’ve only had 4 spammers sign up in the last 24 hours, where i usually get 30 or so every day. Maybe it works, but doesn’t report properly? I can report, no negative side-effects.
I’ll keep on this and report back if the spammer load stays low.
Ok…2 days now and my total spammer count is only 10. I can’t prove it, but this plugin does seem to be working. For what it’s worth, I’ve got the Project Honeypot part working along with the Stop Forum Spam.
If you are getting bombarded with spam, try this out and see if it helps.
One of these days I’ll need to poke around your install (again) and see why they keep getting in.
Gee, if that’s a service you offer, I’d be interested once I finally get my multisite project off the ground! 
Greg’s an old client.
Sometimes we have room to troubleshoot stuff, sometimes we don’t. It’d basically be an hour consult.
I kid you not, this plugin works. There are some warnings on the authors website about sub-domain multisite installs, so i’ve only got it on my main blog. But my spam is way down. Nothing in the last 7 hours. Unheard of for me.