I had the GD Star Rating plugin for a buddypress install, did disable it again, for it slowed down the site too much, it had to load its own javascript library,
it worked nicely though, did have to tweak some settings to get it right, but it had it all, even made custom ‘stars’ to fit in with the site design.
can you tell me the tweaks that you did? just want it to display ratings and allow users to rate comments
I’m also looking for this. There seems to be a bbPress plugin that could be ported over: https://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/thanks/ but this would only work in the forum.
comment rating plugin… i am actually in need of a plugin that rates comments made alone.. will like to also add my own custom image
15 years, 2 months ago
how can i create rating for comments in bp?? to show up in the activity stream or on someones status update..something like an “i like” or “thumbs up” button below comments..is there a plugin or a hack for this?? similar to how facebook has an “i like” button..i have seen wordpress plugins for this but none for buddypress and none of those work with buddypress..thanks