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How do I create a new custom Buddy Press page without code?

  • undermythumb


    I have looked everywhere and tried everything! I need to create two custom pages where I create the initial content but then users can write on that page. I also need these pages to actually link to the menu pages at the top of my site. From what I have attempted, the pages are in the menu but link to pages that either have something I’ve written on it or nothing at all.

    Someone please help!!

    Thank you!

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  • danbp


    I have looked everywhere and tried everything!

    If so, what could we do more for you ? You’re asking for help for a page question. Pages are part of WordPress and fortunately, WordPress has a codex, where “page” is a well documented department.

    Page Templates

    Concerning BP pages, that documentation is much shorter, because BP doesn’t use page like WP and when it use a page it is internally only, and only for one of his component, not to allow users to write a page.




    Perhaps I was not clear enough with my question. The pages I need to create are on a Buddy Press site. The jump between WP pages and BP pages is where I am having difficulty. On other websites which were pure WP, I did not have this problem. I understand the basic posts of copy & past code but I do not know how to find my files. Do I need to jump to my host? Maybe this is a given to one who is very familiar with creating sites but as a newcomer to Buddy Press and novice at Word Press, it can be quite confusing.

    Some documentation says that I can’t create custom BP pages while others say I can.

    If anyone has suggestions, I am willing to try something else!

    Thank you!

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