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help needed for my theme menu

  • @zhangleji


    Hi everyone, I installed a wordpress theme then installed buddypress. Now BP pages are not displaying properly: the menu items are next to each other with no space at all. I know this maybe because the BP pages didn’t load the theme css file but I don’t know how to fix this. I’m using a child theme for my wordpress theme.

    My website is, thank you in advance! You can see the problem when you click Message or Register menu.

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  • @djsteveb


    I am a total noob with this stuff – a quick look with my limited tools and understanding of all things that make this stuff work…

    I THINK your rule here:

    .buddypress ul li {
        background: transparent none repeat scroll 0% 0%;
        padding: 0px;

    Is over-writing the rule here:

    .main-nav li {
        white-space: nowrap;
        float: left;
        font: 12px "OpenSansBold";
        text-transform: uppercase;
        padding: 7px 20px 11px 0px;
        letter-spacing: -1px;
        text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);

    Which is what is being used on your home page.

    I think if you find the padding 0px on the .buddypress ul li line and change it to padding: 7px 20px 11px 0px; — that will fix your top nav current issue – now will that adversely affect some other ul li / menu or list somewhere (like a widget or something) – I don’t know.

    I am guessing that someone smarter then me can craft a rule that would work better and more specific.. something like
    .buddypress main-nav ul li

    padding: 7px 20px 11px 0px;

    I have no idea if that would work – my understanding of css is like level 1 and bp is like level 1/2 – lol

    I also THINK that you have a weird triple css / child theme thing going on – again I don’t know, but looking at your css code rules in the firefox inspector, it looks like your pages are loading the exact same css file three times?

    I made a similar mistake with my first child theme – copying the whole shebang into a new child theme folder.. actually what you want is a relatively blank new folder and a relatively blank style.css that only includes rules you are going to overwrite / change from the parent theme.

    I don’t have access to your files or know the exact setup and may even be wrong in my understanding of what the firefox property inspector is showing – but you may want to look into why every rule appears to load the exact same three times and overwrites itself twice..

    hope this helps – not sure any of this is right..



    Dear DJSteveb, thank you very much for your reply. I will definitely try that. My css is like level 0, so I appreciate any help from level 1 and above… you have a good day!

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