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help to change title after registration

  • @kamui83


    Hi, i’m using the 5.2.0 version with a italian traslation and i’m having some problem changing a title.
    after a user register in the page the text is “ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT” with a blu line and some text under; i’ve changed the texnt under but i’m not able to change the “activate your account” text, tryed to find on traslation with loco translate but seems there is no line not translated, tryed to find on file, founded on wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/activate.php but even if i change it nothing change.
    where is that text? i’m going crazy, plis someone can help me? thanks

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  • @shanebp


    The default theme is not used unless you select it as a WP theme – and it is very old and just there for legacy support.

    The string you want is here, on Line 3119

    $title = __( 'Activate Your Account', 'buddypress' );

    As you can see, it is ready for translation.
    You can see it in the language file, buddypress\buddypress.pot on Line 2984



    i did try to change the line in this file buddypress\bp-members\classes\class-bp-registration-theme-compat.php, and also change the translation with loco translator, but it never change



    Then it is probably something specific to your installation.
    Try deactivating loco-translate and see if the issue persists.
    Try switching momentarily to a WP theme like 2019 and see if the issue persists.
    Are you using any caching? If so clear it or deactivate it.



    nothing changed, i notice that other part don’t get translated like the Complete Sign Up button in the registration page



    what i want to change the original language file? where is? how can i do it?



    From above: You can see it in the language file, buddypress\buddypress.pot

    Use poEdit free version to create a .mo file with your changes.

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