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Help: User limit

  • aakash.s


    Hello there,

    I have a favor to ask of you. I’m planning to built a website in wordpress which will have a social networking module. I expect 3,00,000+ users registration on my site. The question is can BuddyPress manage this amount of users?
    If yes, then what could be the expected database size consumed by BuddyPress to manage 3,00,000+ users assuming 5 text fields in the user profile.
    Will there be any kind of special database requirements needed?

    Wordpress ver: 4.0
    BuddyPress ver: 2.1.1

    Thanx in advance

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  • shanebp


    At 3M users the issue is the configuration of your servers.

    So, yes, BP can handle it IF you know how to setup and manage an array of servers.

    Management and setup of such an array requires good server administrator skills.
    And is way beyond the scope of this forum.

    >the expected database size

    There is no way to give you a number.
    Here’s an adjective: Big.
    The biggest table would be the activity table.

    Henry Wright


    Hi @aakashs

    Further to @shanebp’s post, and your question about 3m users, a lot comes down to what those 3m users are doing. If 3,000,000 users register, then logout, and only return once every 6 months then maintaining the site going forward will be quite easy. However, if each of the 3,000,000 return every day, upload some media, comment often and favourite a lot of activity items then you’ll need a much more powerful infrastructure in place.



    you need to read up about scaling wordpress and not just buddypress tbh, i have been doing a good bit of research on the matter recently, there is alot to it! I suggest as henry and shane says, you need to create a good infastructure of servers, i would suggest getting a setup where you can have one server running as a dedicated database server independently whilst having a few other servers for specific tasks within the network such as file servers and firewalls etc, there are solutions out there but they can be costly and you will need to be a dab hand with linux to pull it off as a one man team, maybe the best way to deal with these issues is first get to the point where you will need to worry about doing it, if you had that sort of regular users within your website im sure you could hire a team to do it with the revenue it would generate if setup right.



    Thanx @shanebp, @henrywright and @mcpeanut. It was a great help from your side. I would try to research and get a bit deep in all the above things you mentioned.
    I’ll get back on this post to get a more help in case I need.

    Thanx again 🙂

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