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Hidden Group not visible to admin

  • @wingflap


    When I create a group and set it to hidden, it is not visible to me as admin (or any other user whether they’re members of the group or not.

    To test, I created a fresh WordPress install, installed the BuddyX (free) theme, then BuddyPress, bbPress, and finally BP Classic plugin. I’m logged in as admin. I created a user called sub1 who is a subscriber.

    I created a group called Normal which is set up as a public group. Then I created a second group called Private which is set up as private. Then I set up a group called Hidden which is set to hidden. When creating each group, I sent an invite to user Sub1.

    When I go to the Groups page (/groups), I see the group count as 3. I see the group Normal which I can click into and view group info, and the group Private which I can click into and see group info (since I’m logged in as admin who created the group). I do not see the group Hidden. But on the bottom it says “Viewing 1 – 3 of 3 groups” even though I can only see 2.

    If I log out, I can see the group Normal and click into it and see group info. I can see the group Private and click into it, but see a message saying that this is a private group. No group Hidden when logged out (as expected) and on the bottom it says “Viewing 1 – 2 of 2 groups”.

    If I log in as user Sub1, I only see 2 groups but “Viewing 1 – 3 of 3 groups”. The group Private says I have to be a member of the group to see anything. Then I accept the invite to group Private. Then I can see everything in the group. I don’t see the group Hidden. In my notifications, I click on the invitation to group Hidden and nothing happens.

    I tried and succeeded to reproduce this in a vanilla environment. Any help would be appreciated.


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  • @wingflap


    More info…

    I see the group Hidden created in the activity feed with a button that says “View Group”. I can get into the group that way. So the only way to get into the group is to find an activity listing, forum entry, or image, and then click the hidden group’s name?

    Also, does the admin user have access to the hidden group if it’s not created by admin? And, can the admin user see content in the hidden group if the admin user is not specificly a member?




    I’ll try again here. I have 1 hidden group (called “Hidden”) created by admin. Fred (subscriber) is invited to the group and Fred accepts the invitation. Fred creates a hidden group (called “Fred Hidden”) and invites admin who accepts the invitation.

    When I’m logged in as admin and go to the site’s Forum listing (/forums) I see the group forum for all groups including the Hidden and Fred Hidden and can access them from there. Clicking on a link to either of the hidden groups’ forums brings me into the group’s Forum tab. From there I can navigate around the group and participate.

    When I’m logged in as Fred, I don’t see either of the forums for the hidden groups that Fred belongs to. The only way to see what’s going in in either the group Hidden (to which Fred was invited) or the group Fred Hidden (created by Fred) is to find an activity entry for the group and then click it.

    Is there an easier way for user Fred to check in on either of the two hidden groups?

    Alternatively, is there a way to allow members to create public and private groups, but not hidden groups. The way it seems to be working for me right now, the workflow is too complicated for users to be able to figure out.

    Looking forward to a response.



    In the online BuddyPress docs, it states:

    List of Groups created in the site including time active stamp, group description, number of members and group privacy setting. Only Public and Private Groups are seen in list by regular members. Super/Site Admin sees all groups including Hidden groups.Action buttons – for logged in members only



    I really need help with this. A hidden group created by a member shows no topics in the Group Forum tab. There is a message saying:
    “This forum has 1 topic, and was last updated 27 minutes ago by Pete.”

    followed by a message saying:
    “Oh, bother! No topics were found here.”

    followed by an area to create a new topic. If I create a topic as user ‘Pete’ (subscriber user), I’m brought back to that page saying there are now 2 topics, but then the No topics were found here message.

    How do I get the Hidden group forum topics visible to the non-admin users who are members (or creators) of hidden groups?



    How do I get the Hidden group forum topics visible to the non-admin users who are members (or creators) of hidden groups?

    I got this to work by activating the BP Classic plugin.



    Now, all I need to know is what is the workflow for members who create hidden groups to easily access their groups without having to find an activity entry with the group name and clicking it?



    The hidden group bug is unresolved.



    That bug report entry was last updated 3 years ago and it’s status is still awaiting review and it says needs testing? I hope it’s not a bbPress issue since bbPress rarely gets updated. Any thoughts?

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