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Hide own profile

  • @veshop


    WordPress version 5.7.2
    BuddyPress version 8.0.0 (Legacy)

    My website is still not public, that’s why I don’t send a link, but you can view a sceenshot regarding the issue:

    When a user makes a member search, the first search result he gets is always his own profile. I might be weird, but when I want to search for OTHER members, I am not particularly keen on finding my own profile as a search result, since I already know me 😀 Anyway: How can I stop this nonsense? Is there a code snippet which I can use to ‘hide own profile’ or something?

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  • @niftythree


    Hi @veshop,

    Which theme are you using?



    Hi @niftythree,

    using Gwangi, support is not always the most helpful though and as I might get help somewhere else faster, I am searching.



    Hi @veshop,

    You’re in luck. The Gwangi theme actually has the option to do exactly this in their latest version, so this should be a simple fix for you. Go to Appearance > Customise > BuddyPress > Members Directory > check the “Hide myself” box and Publish the change and you should be all done!

    Best of luck.



    Hello @niftythree,

    you made my day! 🙂 Never in a million years would I have found this by myself 😀 Thanks so much!

    Have a nice day!



    Support team, same question, theme Buddy X, ok I agree to see my profile in search, but in the settings of WordPress I indicated a nickname, but when viewing my profile, I see Login instead, there is one more question, now we will create a new topic …



    How can we hide ourselves in the BuddyX theme (the suggested answer is for Gwangi theme).



    If you want to hide currunt loggedin user from member directory you can easily use this code snippet.
    `function buddyx_exclude_users( $args ) {
    if ( is_admin() && ! defined( ‘DOING_AJAX’ ) ) {
    return $args;

    $excluded = isset( $args[‘exclude’] ) ? $args[‘exclude’] : array();

    if ( ! is_array( $excluded ) ) {
    $excluded = explode( ‘,’, $excluded );
    $user_id = bp_loggedin_user_id();

    $user_ids = array(‘user_id’ => $user_id); // user ids to exclude.

    $excluded = array_merge( $excluded, $user_ids );

    $args[‘exclude’] = $excluded;

    return $args;

    add_filter( ‘bp_after_has_members_parse_args’, ‘buddyx_exclude_users’ );

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