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Ignore this I am an Idiot…Home.php not working correctly in custom theme

  • @ch1n3s3b0y


    Ok, I have my directory structure set up correctly in my custom theme /buddypress/members/single/. I was editing home.php and member-header.php successfully.

    I made a change to home.php and now it doesn’t seem to be locating the member-header.php correctly. All the profile page will show is a ul of links to a ‘Activity’ etc. Nothing else. The weird thing is I can still edit member-header.php successfully when I remove the home.php file and use the one in the plugin folder.

    I have tried copying and pasting the default home.php and this doesn’t work either. There now seems to be a weird issue with using home.php within my custom theme folder.

    Edit: Ignore This I am an idiot
    Anyone had a similar issue?

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