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Hostgator Blocking new buddypress installation

  • @lovefishing


    HI BP community,

    Trialing buddypress 1.5 in a sepearte wordpress install and really like it and all the concept behind it . Just wondering if there are any special hosting space or bandwidth requirements from a hosting point off view. I did a fresh install in a seperate workpress installaition within my site in a subfolder called http://www.mydomain/social . Installed fine and created a few members and a few test posts but very little activity . However my hosting company hostgator have temporarily blocked the sight saying its using 3000 % to much CPU due to the activty stream and posible automate scripts .

    They have asked me to sort it out before they open it up again. Whats should i do ?

    Here is there last email stating more or less to use a cache plugin and minimize on other plugins. I was installed s2member plugin to control users but havent used it yet ?

    Appreciate any help


    last email from hostgator below;

    It appears your site is using WordPress. To help resolve this issue we strongly recommend installing the WP Super Cache plugin. You will also need to make sure that you configure the plugin using the settings in the following link.

    Also please try to reduce the total number of active plugins on your blog. The following types of plugins are known to cause high resource usage and should be avoided:

    – All related posts plugins (WordPress Related Posts, YARPP) can cause significantly high load in most cases.
    – WPRobot3 and other auto-posters can also cause high load issues, and should be disabled if they are causing issues
    – StatPress and other wordpress statistics software should also be disabled, as these too can consume too much CPU in certain cases. Use Google Analytics instead for statistics as well as Awstats which already comes by default on your account.
    – WP Post Views is also a plugin that you’ll want to avoid as it causes significant resource usage.
    – Any other plugins that are not vital to your WordPress should be disabled.

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  • @lovefishing


    also , i posted this before but cant find previous topics under my Memembership>Forums > Topics started so I have no idea if anyone has replied to my 1st post ??



    I’m not aware that BuddyPress uses a significant amount of CPU. From what they’ve told you, seems like they provide total bare minimum, low-end hosting. In all seriousness, I’d consider finding a different (better) host.




    You’re both right, actually.

    First off, HostGator gives you incredibly little memory and CPU on their low-end plans. Like… 64MB RAM and 1/128 of a core. It’s nearly impossible to run anything more than a test site on an entry-level HostGator plan.

    I currently run most of my BP sites on MediaTemple, and absolutely love them. They’re a lot more expensive ($25+ a month) than HostGator, but you get what you pay for: 512MB RAM, a full CPU core, root access, and the best technical support I’ve ever worked with.

    As for BuddyPress, I’m currently watching a BP site with 1300 members, four active users plus a search robot, and caching disabled, *saturate* the above server.

    So I’d say yes, BuddyPress probably has substantial CPU usage.

    We’ll learn more about what’s causing that as we get unit testing merged into the BP core …but that’s something we’ll discuss on the TRAC not the forums.


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