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How can a member choose bp home theme of own choice ?

  • @ronia


    A visitor to my site can have a blog and choose any blog theme she/he wants.

    However if they want to choose a theme for the home, that is the default buddypress home page, how can they choose one ?

    There seems to be no option for the member to have a theme of choice for the buddypress page and use only the one fixed by the site. Please provide some clue / link to any such documentation.

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  • @takuya


    simple answer… there’s not such function available.



    There is some kind of a plugin for WordPress witch give users the ability to choose the theme to use for the blog. This is a plugin for normal WordPress, but I cant see any reason this should not work if you activate it only for the main blog.

    I don’t know if this plugin will list all the themes in the themes-directory or if you can choose what themes to have in the list. I’m looking for the same thing Ronia, so I will check out that plugin and come back to this thread with some updates. :)



    What is available lets the individual bloggers ( who are part of a buddypress-wmu site) choose individual themes for their respective blogs or for their admin areas.

    However, if they want to see their buddypress site from a set of exclusive-buddypress themes there seems no way they can do that or the site super admin can allow them to do that.

    I read docs as much as I could and searched as much as I can but apparently there seems to be no solution unless someone provides some way around.



    bp member theme works little differently from wordpress themes. I think you should open another thread under feature request category, letting developers know you want/hope this feature.

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