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How can a member sell their profile photos

  • @cibergod


    Wordpres version 5.5.1
    Buddypress version 6.3.0

    Hello everyone. I am very new to wordpress and I have many questions, but my first question is this:
    I need to create a web community for photographers and each member can sell their work to other members. How can I get a gallery on budypress where any member pays another for the photo?
    In the same way, I need each affiliated company to have the opportunity to manage the profiles of their workers. That is, a space where a person can manage all the messages received by several of their workers, as well as manage their sales.
    Do you know if there are plugins that allow integration with buddypress to do this? I know something about Woocommerce but I don’t know if it can be linked with buddypress for this purpose.
    Excuse my English, my native language is Spanish.
    Thank you very much.

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