9 years ago
I check this topic: https://buddypress.org/support/topic/adding-a-subnav-with-new-page-content-to-the-profileactivity-page/ because the solution it should be similar as my, but I don’t have much knowledge about buddypress/php
I would like to add this to my menu: echo ‘Puntos:’.badgeos_get_users_points();
And here is what I would like to place it (inside of that menu, dont care the position): http://oi68.tinypic.com/rhsb4j.jpg
Solved, if anyone is interested:
I used the plugin “PHP Code For Posts” to create a shortcode with my php code and then I used the plugin “Shortcodes in Menus” to show it in my menu (Buddypress menu in this case).