How can I add a rel=”me” attribute to an xprofile field?
Playing more with the google author code, it is definitely good for SEO to have a google profile xprofile field, with a rel=”me” attribute.
Any ideas on how to assign this?
I’d be very interested in this as well.
Here’s an article by Yoast where we explains how to add rel=”me” to standard WP profiles. Any thoughts on how we could incorporate this into BP Profiles?
I’m assuming it could be as simple as a short snip of code that adds the attribute to the profile field, but maybe it’s more complicated…
Here’s the article…
The politest of bumps…
Any chance this could be added to Custom Profile Filters?Yeah, this isn’t super easy to do with regards to UI. Adding this type of microformat markup to core is something I would personally like to see in BP 1.4.
For now, I’m not worried about the user interface. Hardcoding it in somewhere would be ample.This will be big for SEO.
function relme ($output) {
global $bp;
if ( bp_field_has_data( ‘782’ ) ) {
return str_replace(‘<a ','<a rel="me" ',$output);
add_filter(‘xprofile_screen_display_profile’, ‘relme’);`I’m doing my best to hack my way through this. Here’s what I have – it doesn’t work, but it also doesn’t break the site.
Field #782 is my Google Profile ID field.
Try adding it with jQuery
hnla: No, that’s not a good idea because Google will ignore it with jQuery.
Greg: I agree hardcoding it is a good idea, but I always have core in mind when I read this sort of discussion
xprofile_screen_display_profile is an action, not a filter. I assume you’re trying to change the value of an xprofiel field. ‘bp_get_the_profile_field_value’ is probably the filter you want.
function gf_relme($value, $type, $id) {
if (782 == $id) {
return str_replace(‘<a ','<a rel="me" ',$value);
add_filter(‘bp_get_the_profile_field_value’, ‘gf_relme’, 10, 3);
That did the trick of adding rel=”me” – but now none of the other profile fields show.oh, doh. put an
`else { return $value; }`
after the if closing bracket.
While we’re talking about rel=me, what’s your opinion on if I add rel=”me” on the field(s) in BP-Default for BP 1.3? Bear in mind all the different member sub profile pages etc.
Thanks Paul – that works great.
You mean on all fields? I don’t think it would hurt anything…
Sorry, on these ones:
Those should be rel=”author” because they link to the “author” (profile) page. Then, from the profile page, there should be a rel=me link to google.Here’s the article that explains the relationship:
hnla: No, that’s not a good idea because Google will ignore it with jQuery.
It shouldn’t, Google understands scripting, why would it ignore jquery?, It’s not the best idea though agreed.
Can we avoid though adding this stuff to core, core Must at some point start to separate properly mid tier and frontend presentational layers, atts are the business of the frontend coder BP should be dispassionate about such stuff I don’t want them but will have them forced on me
That’s what I get for posting near midnight when I’m tired
I’ll probably add the rel=”author” in for those areas (I’ve added it for blog posts already), but nothing else for now.
Any ideas how to att rel=”author” to the userlink? I added it to the avatar in entry.php, which was easy, but the userlink is more complex.
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