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How can I add file to Activity Updates

  • @lucdkny


    Hi all, I actually use the Activity Plus plugin and it allow me to add image, video, link to Activity Updates. I am looking for a way to allow user to add file as doc, pdf, zip,… to Activity updates
    I tried searching for this but could not find it, please point me to it, if this has already been discussed somewhere. Your help is most appreciated. Many thanks !

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  • @colorfullady


    Following. I am interesting in doing this also.



    hi @lucdkny, @colorfullady,

    by default, the activity update is only intended for short and brief message to other users. Reason why the form is coming without any editor tools and doesn’t let you use any html tag.

    If A+ or BP let you add images and videos, it’s because WP use automated oembed for such medias in any front-end editor, even the most simpliest like BP’s update.

    If you want to mention docs, pdf, zip, or anything else, you might use some dedicated plugins. For example bp groups docs or Buddydrive. Each action made with help of these plugins will be mentionned on the activity feed. But to access the doc itself, users have to go to the mentionned group or profil.

    I wouldn’t recommend you to get around these rules. File manipulation on front-end is delicate and a too easy opportunity for spammers or hackers. Don’t play with fire. 😉

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