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How can I insert the "(BuddyPress) Log In" widget into template?

  • @ideasdesigninc


    How can I insert the “(BuddyPress) Log In” widget into my WordPress theme / template?

    I tried the following, but it doesn’t work:

    <?php the_widget(‘(BuddyPress) Log In’); ?>

    Please advise.

    – Yvan

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  • @danbp


    Why do you want to use code to add a widget to a theme ?

    Go to dashboard > Apparence > Widget and do your stuff from there.

    If your theme has widgetized areas, this is how you have to do. BP is only a plugin, not a “site” or a CMS.

    Of course, if you build your own theme from scratch, you have to create such areas first in the theme’s functions.php.



    I currently have 5 different widget areas in my WordPress theme:

    1) sidebar
    2) footer slot #1
    3) footer slot #2
    4) footer slot #3
    5) footer slot #4

    However — all 5 of these widget areas completely disappear when viewed on mobile, which means I can’t put the BuddyPress login widget in any of them. So I want to place the widget in the one area that makes the most sense — which is in the top header section (ie: header.php)

    So .. is that not programmatically possible? Isn’t there a way that I can accomplish this using WordPress’s the_widget() function?

    – Yvan



    Of course it’s possible and explained on this Codex page:

    But before, check your theme support. Maybe there is something related to mobile device ?



    Thanks for your response, but the link you gave me doesn’t provide instructions on how to implement the “the_widget()” function. This page does:

    “This template tag displays an arbitrary widget outside of a sidebar. It can be used anywhere in templates.”

    But how do I reference the “(BuddyPress) Log In” widget using this function, and which additional parameters I’m supposed to pass to it, if any?

    – Yvan



    If you are going to modify a template to add a call to the_widget() function you might as well make it a dynamic_sidebar call, then you have a little more flexibility.



    I actually just ended up installed the “Custom Sidebars” plugin, created a new sidebar, dragged the BuddyPress login widget to it, and then integrated the dynamic_sidebar call into my header.

    – Yvan



    Hugo – just one more question for you. If I wanted to add some required field checking to my BuddyPress login form/widget … how would you recommend that I do that?

    – Yvan



    ? required field checking on what it’s a simple user/pass login both are required no

    if the site templates header puts the document into full standards mode that html5 understands then you can use html5 form atts like ‘required=”required”‘

    If you want an implementation of the BP login form but slightly extended you can grab mine on gitbub either run it as a plugin or grab the class function and run that from your functions.php or bp-custom.php you could then customize that.

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