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How do I display the main (admin) blog separately on the front page?

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    I’d say swipe some code from your index.php file, and toss it inside your home.php file for starters? :)



    That’s not exactly going to help. I need to know how to pull out the main blog from the rest of the other blogs. Right now it’s coded to loop through all blogs.



    Did you try it? :)

    Assuming you’re only using the home theme for your home blog, you shouldn’t have any problem doing a normal query and getting main blog data in the_loop.



    byc, see the codex on bp templates and loops



    You can always use a blog or magazine style theme for your home theme instead of the bphome theme and then drop the BP widgets into that.



    Coding through loops is a little too much beyond my skills. Which magazine style theme is a good example?



    Well, put it this way, the default buddypress home theme is really just a widget framework accomodating the BP widgets for activity, members, groups, who’s online, welcome etc.

    You need to decide where you want to show what and look for themes that fulfill your requirements. There are dozens of mag style themes out there… As long as you have a good range of widget positions in the theme you should be able to put your home page together the way you want to. Besides, it’s easy to create custom widget positions if you need to.

    In any case, some php / theming skills may be needed to get stuff exactly how you want it.

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