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How do you make Site Activity page RANDOM?

  • JJNW


    I really really would love to set this page as RANDOM, every page load.

    First, it keeps people from owning first position, and 2nd, it would deter spammers owning the first page and/or top position.

    ANY advise, how to, etc. would be sincerely appreciated.


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  • danbp


    hi @jjnw,

    random order is not avaible for the activity stream.

    But it can be added as explained here 😉



    Whaaa? So, if I follow this guide line, ya thinking I can force Site Activity page to RANDOM…? It seems to focus on Members random page. I am seeking to make Site Activity page random. Right now I have “everything” as the only, and defaulted option, hiding the drop down options, so everything is forced at face value. Boy oh boy, it would be ridiculously awesome if I can set that page as random.



    It seems to focus on Members random page.

    Ya, but only seems. The codex is not a ready-to-use answer to any kind of problematic or the solution for anything, but a guide who explains how things can/should be done with BuddyPress.
    That’s why you’ll find essentially examples who can be used to extend or achieve your projects.

    Codex pages are written by volonteers (like you tomorrow ?), and none of them is able to know or to write about any given issue, situation, need.

    It certainly would be an awesome codex, if every BP user would share some snipppet or simply some experience, by adding his personnal how-to…

    Hold on ! You have to try, experiment and realize yourself. The other face of freedom and open source, i guess

    If you have questions, do not hesitate. Like the codex, this forum is yours. 😉



    Cool. I’m looking into some kind of answer. If, like when I use Drupal, come up with an answer, I always post them on my posts for others, and/or or future use 😉

    I personally hate when someone has a question and a week later only posts “I figured it out”, with no details.

    Thanks for your help!


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