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how does user data get added to the user page (not the profile)?

  • @danbutcher


    I’m trying BuddyPress with my college classes this summer. Because of this, it’s important that I be able to identify student work with their real name and not just a username (I don’t want to have to figure out that blazer20 is John Smith; I just want to see John Smith on his posts).

    I’ve got 48 students in the site, and each of them created a profile during signup that included the standard name field. So, when I use the Members list, I see real names and a link to the profile, but when I look at comments made by the students, I get only their usernames–except for 4 students.

    These 4 students each show their real name in comments, and each name links back to the profile. And when I went into the user listing in the admin backend, their real names show up in the name column instead of the username. When I click on a student’s name to edit the user info, these 4 students each have extra user info filled in: first name, last name, nickname, display name, and the web site field is filled in with a link to their profile. In talking with these 4 students, none of them can identify any extra steps they took to provide information on the site: they created an account, accessed a blog post, and added a comment–the same thing all the students have done.

    Whatever it is that happened with these students needs to happen with the other 44 so that I have full names for all of them without me having to manually edit each of their user pages. I have blog creation turned off, so none of these students has a way to access the backend user page and enter the info themselves.

    Any ideas on how/why these students ended up with more information than the others?

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  • @jeffsayre


    Once a user (student) has registered, you cannot change their username. Well, not without some fancy behind the scenes stuff. You can, however, have them change their display name. In the default BuddyPress install, this is automatically set to required when a user registers. It does seem like all 48 of your students do have their real, full names entered in that field.

    So, it is just these 4 students. My guess is that they used their real, full names when registering their username. So, as an example, “John Smith”, instead of “johnsmith” or “smitty2cool”. If you look in MySQL’s backend and see this for the usernames of these four students (using my example):


    Then this is what happened. They used their real name, space and all. Now, the existance of the space in usernames can cause issues in WPMU. But, that is a different topic.

    when I look at comments made by the students, I get only their usernames

    Do you mean comments to blog posts displayed in BuddyPress themes, or comments seen outside of the BuddyPress environment?



    OK–as I was writing my query last night, I thought that screenshots would probably help to make things clear, so I’ve uploaded some to Skitch: If you start with the oldest one first, you’ll see what my members listing looks like. Image #2 is the user list on the backend: it shows mostly usernames with a few real names. #3 shows what the user info screen looks like for most of the students, with only the username filled in. #4 shows one of the 4 students’ user info page, with complete info filled in (but not by the student–it automagically appeared, it seems). Then finally, image #5 shows two comments on a blog post on my buddypress site: one comment shows only the username, the other shows the full name hyperlinked to the student’s profile. Hopefully, this will make clearer what I’m asking. None of the four students with full info did anything different (that they know of).




    I’m going to make just a few comments now. I’ll look at this in more detail tomorrow.

    It look’s like you are using the default themes that come with BuddyPress–bphome and bpmember. Is this correct?

    Pardon me if you know all this already but, when a user (one of your students) logs in, a link appears in the upper right corner of the buddybar with a link to their profile page. This link displays either their username or nickname. What is displayed depends on whether or not a nickname has been entered by the user. For all but four of your students, there is no nickname.

    Now, when a student clicks this link, it will take them to their profile page. Once there, they can edit their profile. In the default BP install, there is a “Full Name” field in the profile that can be filled in.

    WordPress Mu uses this data for the display in the backend–your picture #2. If the “Full Name” field is blank in their profile, then you will only see data in the “Username” and “nickname” fields, with the username used as the nickname. If a user has add anything to the “Full Name” field, then Mu will use that, and if it can, split it automatically into a “First name” and “Last name”.

    The fact that 4 students have data in these fields indicates to me that they went to their profile page and clicked “Edit Profile” and then added their full name to the “Full Name” field. It is not a mystery.

    Finally, when logged into WPMU’s backend, go to the “BuddyPress” menu group. Once there, click on “General Settings”. You will see a field named “Full Name field name”. Then, click on “Profile Field Setup”. There, you will see all of the currently-setup profile fields that your students can utilize. You can add, edit, or delete fields. You can make certain fields required.

    You should spend some time not only in the WPMU’s backend, but also in the members’ area of BuddyPress to see how all of this works.

    I hope this helps.



    Jeff, thanks for the explanation. The fact that the “Full Name” field is the source for the first and last name fields in the backend is exactly the sort of information I was hoping to learn from my query.

    What confuses me, though, is that all students were required to complete the profile as they registered, and all of them show a full name in the members list, so clearly, each student entered a first and last name there. It seems that for some reason the Full Name field didn’t get parsed for all the students.




    Okay, I’m just thinking out loud, just going through the registration process.

    As long as BuddyPress is installed and activated, is does not matter if your users register via the wp-signup.php form (which is found in WPMU) or the register.php form (which is found in BuddyPress). The extra fields from BuddyPress will show up on either form.

    Here is where the data is stored:

    The datum for “Full Name”, which is a required BuddyPress field, is stored in the table wp_bp_xprofile_data. The data for the “Nickname” field, which is the username if no full name is provided, the “First name” field, and “Last name” field, are stored in the table wp_usermeta. The data for “username” and “Display Name” are stored in the table wp_user.

    So, here’s a question:

    Did you at any point uninstall BuddyPress and delete the BP tables in MySQL? Did you delete any of the WPMU tables? Did you do either or both of these and then reinstall? If yes, did most of your students register before that time and then only those four register after a BuddyPress reinstall?

    I’m just grasping at straws now. Perhaps someone else will have insight into this issue.



    Jeff, thanks for explaining where the data is stored. I will check my database and see if I notice anything unusual.

    As far as installation, no, the site was installed and configured on June 1, and then my students started accessing on June 2. That’s why this has seemed so odd to me that some students show all info and most don’t.

    I will mention that I didn’t do the install. I just set up hosting with TMD Hosting, and they offer complete BuddyPress install (with BBPress) as part of their service. My previous hosting was not configured to handle BuddyPress, so I had to go host shopping. I don’t have previous experience with BuddyPress, but I’ve been using WP for years, and as far as I can tell from the backend, everything seems to have been installed correctly, and the BBPress forums correctly integrated with BuddyPress. The only hitch has been with this user info.

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