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How remove header/footer from Register page?

  • @simpleone


    How do I go about preventing the site’s page header and footer areas from appearing on the BuddyPress Register page?

    I know how to hide the display of the header/footer using CSS, but that solution won’t suffice for my needs. You see, I’m using SSL on my Login and Registration pages. And the images I have in my header and footer are “breaking” the SSL since they’re deemed insecure content. So I’ve decided that I would just prefer to completely remove the header/footer on the Register page only. But how do I do that?

    FYI, I created a custom WP page template that removed any reference to header/footer, but I still see the header/footer appear on the Register page.

    Also, I noticed in the register.php file that there’s no reference to get_header( ), so I’m unclear as to why the header is still being displayed when I removed it from the WP page template I’ve associated to the Register page. My site is using BP version 2.0.2.

    Please help! Thank you!

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  • @hnla


    You need to read the BP codex, documentation should always be your primary port of call first, then you’ll have a better idea of what’s possible and how things work. You can copy BP templates over to your theme and create versions that are full template files – as opposed to the normal template file which as you spotted doesn’t have the header or footer parts as they are injected into standard file e.g page,php –

    Theme Compatibility

    I think though that a better question might be whether it’s possible to address the insecure content issue, rather than just trying to yank out the parts causing the issue.



    @hnla thank you for the guidance. FWIW, I did try doing as much research as possible (and trying out a few things) before posting my question here.

    I reviewed the information contained in the link you provided. Thanks for that. But after reading through that information, what I’m still unclear about is how/what template I should modify in order to affect ONLY the BP Registration page. (FYI, I’m not a php developer, so I do need a bit of hand holding for some of this kinda stuff.)

    I read through the info on how to “Customize the layouts of BuddyPress pages within the WordPress Default Themes”. However, the instructions provided there seem to apply to scenarios where a site admin is wanting to make page template changes that apply to all BP pages on a site (i.e., by placing a customized buddypress.php file in the child theme folder).

    In my case, I’m only wanting to change a single page (the Registration page) to remove the headers and footers. So I’m still unsure how I would go about doing that (even after reading through the info). Thank you very much for any specific guidance you can provide me with to accomplish this.




    Registration page
    If you are on the registration page, BuddyPress will use the following template hierarchy:
        The rest of the base templates as listed here.

    If you now rename the existing file you have overloaded as per the instructions for working with BP templates in a theme or child theme to the above what will happen is that BP will consider it a template handling and indeed needing all the necessary template parts i.e header and footer and all parts in between – think of the file now as similar to your page.php template but with the register content where the page loop for title and content would be. You now can traet this file as standalone and modify as you require.



    @hnla appreciate the additional guidance on this! I was able to get it figured out thanks to your help.

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