12 years, 6 months ago
Hi, I have created a wordpress website with the steps mentioned here http://codex.buddypress.org/theme-development/theme-dev-bp-template-pack-walkthrough-twenty-eleven-bp-1-5/3/ I have done exactly what was written here and as you can see on my wordpress website, I have achieved it http://domymath.netai.net/forums/ or http://domymath.netai.net/groups/ but, I have one simple problem, when I go to groups and click on an existing group like this http://domymath.netai.net/groups/new-user-registrations/ the sidebar goes down again same happens if I go and click at my username http://domymath.netai.net/members/admin/ or at http://domymath.netai.net/groups/new-user-registrations/forum/topic/do-your-introduction-here/ ie at some forum topic
how do I fix this, i.e. the sidebar does not goes below as it is is in the links that I have posted