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how to add new members

  • @aksteve


    How do I add a new member to buddypress from the backend of WP?

    I just tried this (wp > users > add new) and the new user does not show up in buddypress.

    Do all new users have to be added via the frontend?

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  • @danbp



    did you activate the user ?
    or have you omit to uncheck Send User Notification ?

    If you’re doing this just to test BP with some content, use better BP Default Data



    Yes that user would have to be active to show up in the bp member list, you’d have to actually login once with that id

    Is it test users you want to populate?

    There’s a couple of plugins that will create test user information and traffic, including groups for a test site.



    These are real users on a site that I am developing. They are the forum moderators and group admins.

    So, how do I “activate” them?

    Is it something I do on the backend? Or do I just login with their info on the frontend?



    If they are known to you then you can set them up in the way that you suggested, if you choose not to send them and email, that will prevent the activation mail going out and they will be free to login, you will have to tell them their password though.

    To those that have not activated their accounts you can view them in the Dashboard>>Users>>All Users views, their one view called Pending, it’s in here you will find unactivated users.

    You could always turn registration on, for them, let them see a new users view of getting set up on the site.

    I’m trying to put together a guide to setting up social networks with BuddyPress, you might like to give it a look, it’s here: It’s spread over multiple chapters that you can access via the “Installing BuddyPress” menu.

    It’s nothing official, just information on what I’ve discovered over the past couple of years so it’s pretty current.



    How do I add a new member to buddypress from the backend of WP?
    They are the forum moderators and group admins.
    So, how do I “activate” them?

    What should be understood from your questions ?

    Adding a new user from backend and/or promote it as mod or group admin ?
    Adding a new user is not related to BuddyPress, but to WordPress.

    To promote users as mod or admin or add new user to a group from back-end
    dashboard > groups > select the group > edit > anything to do that is at the bottom of the screen.



    Thanks for all the feedback. Sorry it seems confusing.

    I just want to add my community moderators and admins before the site goes life. I know how to promote users.

    I just want them activated. I created them in the WP User area. But they are not in the Buddypress member list (frontend).

    So, I logged into the site using their credentials. I am assuming that is how you “activate” their account.

    The reason I guess is seems confusing, is there is no actual “activate” button, link or anything like that.

    In anycase, I think I am doing it right. I create the users and then “activate” them by logging into the site using their credentials.

    Just so you know (and to avoid a bunch more questions) the site is being produced on a localhost. So I cannot have them set up their own accounts. But I want them on the site when it goes live, so I am doing it for them.



    Re appearing on the members list, you can handle them has a batch; much faster than logging in as each member.

    For example, for all subscribers:

    function steve_add_last_activity() {
      $subscribers =  get_users( 'fields=ID&role=subscriber' );
       foreach ( $subscribers as $user_id ) {
            bp_update_user_last_activity( $user_id, bp_core_current_time() );
    //add_action('bp_init', 'steve_add_last_activity' );

    Uncomment the add_action ( iow. remove the // ) whenever you want to use the function.
    Put it in your theme functions.php or in bp-custom.php

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