I had the same problem.
I finally worked it out with help from the ticket you linked to. Thanks!
Here is how I did it.
Fantastic Jesse – it works for me too. I was seriously thinking of having to abandon WP/BP and find something else that worked properly.
Do you know how to have old page comments dealt with by the ‘update network’ so that past page comments make it to the activity stream? I suspect that this would be more difficult to ‘work around’ although it’s not essential for me.
12 years, 1 month ago
WP 3.5 BP 1.6.3
Since using latest BP/WP versions I’ve lost most of the comments I used to have appearing in the BP activity stream. I’m told that ‘ By default, BP only records post comments into the activity stream.’. I originally thought this was a bug!! As it certainly is to myself and opened trac ticket 4784. http://buddypress.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/4784
So, is there a code snippet that can be used to do this? I’ve tried the suggestion someone gave on ticket 4784 (thanks r-a-y:
function bp_ticket_4784_record_custom_comment_post_types($cpts) {
$cpts[] = ‘page’;
return $cpts;
add_filter( ‘bp_blogs_record_comment_post_types’, ‘bp_ticket_4784_record_custom_comment_post_types’ );
but this didn’t work.