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How to add profile link in page body copy?

  • @danielsantoro


    Hi there,

    What I’m looking to do is to add the dynamic BuddyPress profile URL in a page, so for example:

    “Thanks for registering! Head over to your profile to get started.”

    Where “your profile” is the link like

    Is this something that can be done with the core plugin that I’m missing, or would I need some code to make it happen?

    Thank you!

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  • @ophilippeo


    Did you find a solution to this? I would be interested in the term I need to use for the username.



    This url will take you to your profile – IF you are logged in:



    @shanebp can you please tell me how to make it so if a Male member signs up and is interested in females, then only females are shown in the member directory or vice versa….or if a Male signs up and is interested in other males, then only show other males who are interested in males in the member directory etc. It seems silly when a straight Male signs up to my site and then when clicks on member directory sees a mixture of men and women if he is only interested in women!

    Thank you so much man and you’re the man!

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