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How to add user location

  • @osasko



    I would like to know how to add user location to my registration form please.

    A drop down list with example – Country



    This would also make it better to sort users according to location.

    I am on the latest version of Buddypress and WPMU.

    Thanks a lot!

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  • @designodyssey


    Look under plugins for BP Geo which I think does this



    Thanks ,man!!

    Having a bit of problems with the plugin – but I see in the forum that everyone else is also…



    Ditto. Anyone get it to work with WPMU 2.9.1 and BP 1.2? Seems like an awesome plugin.




    Actually figured it out the other day – I think.

    1)Copy registration.php from buddypress parent theme into your own theme.

    2)Paste this into registration.php underneath line 25 (might be different) :

    w<label for=”country”><?php _e( ‘Country’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?> <?php _e( ‘(required)’, ‘buddypress’ ) ?></label>

    <?php do_action( ‘bp_country_errors’ ) ?>

    3) Then install firebug as a Mozilla add-on.

    4) Go to a site who’s registration page has a drop-down list that you want.

    5) Use firebug and right click on the element you want and say “inspect element”.

    4)Say Copy HTML

    5)Then past it into your registration.php under the the lines you pasted in step 2

    Should work.

    You could do this with gender , birthday etc. = Just change “country” in step 2 .

    Actually the first time that I’ve given some advice

    Hope it helps.



    When your within Buddypress, can you click on Geo Search Setup under the Buddypress tab? Whenever I click on it, it returns me to the main admin homepage. Also, if I click on the Geo tab on the website homepage…same thing, it sends me back to the websites homepage:(



    I think the bP Geo plugin is a farce. I have tried multiple times to contact the dev team there to no avail. They even go so far as to claim to be sponsored by Automattic. Seems doubtful. They are nowhere on this forum and no one has been able to get their plugin to work.Call me suspicious. You are better off trying @jjj’s plugin He is a living, breathing person as opposed to the aforementioned dev team

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