Hi raminjan, it all depends on your theme really as to what course of action to take. Would it be possible to link to your site to see? You say BuddyPress default but is it customised in any shape?
Failing that usually a sidebar would involve some floating element for instance a pattern could be:
@karmatosed – unfortunately, you are helping on yet another duplicate thread from raminjan
@raminjan – stop creating duplicate threads and bump your old ones instead
Hmm yeah thank you @rogercoathup for pointing that out – and as a result illustrating why duplicate threads is bad .. it adds to confusion.
Thread closed. I know it’s not easy to let the moderators know you’ve found duplicate threads, but feel free to reach out or mention one of our names so we can come in and sort it out.
@raminjan Stop creating duplicate threads. It does not help you to get people to respond to your questions more quickly.