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How to change email notifications

  • where to change this email notification

    Dear User,

    Your new account is setup.

    You can log in with the following information:

    Username: name

    Password: *******



    –The WordPress Team

    blog name

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  • @takuya


    go to wpmu forum, there’s a thread about this.

    (This is not buddypress question)



    And if you find anything good, Tresehulyo, let me know here. I’m using some dodgy code at the moment and wondering if someone has done it properly.



    I\’d like to know as well. Especially that \”Dear User\” annoys the hell out of me. \”User\” sounds like \”drug user\” or \”abuser\” or \”you\’re not a friend, you\’re just a user!\”.

    The email is sent out after the new member has already given his name. There should be a way to just include the full name or first name in the welcome email. It\’s standard practice.

    BTW, Socialpreneur, do you mean this thread? It’s not very helpful.



    Hi all,

    The code is located in wp-includes/wpmu-functions.php (it is a big file)

    A few caveats:

    1) There is text for the user signup email and for the blog signup email (blog signup email is also in the admin panel)

    2) There is text for a bunch of other emails, alerts and notices. All over the place

    3) The text is located in some squirrely locations, so move your cursor slowly (I missed some of the phrases a few times)

    4) Keep a log of what you change, because wpmu-functions.php will change with WPMU upgrades.

    5) You probably already know to avoid apostrophes and other symbols–depending on which ones you use, errors show up. I just avoided contractions.

    Hope this helps.



    Yeah I know that. I’m currently using fillters and hooks etc to override so I can put them into my bp-custom.php. A nice plugin so I can use the WordPress UI to change the messages would be better.



    You’re right; a plugin would be better.



    perhaps a feature enhancement ticket on wpmu trac? :)



    Any progress on this with the latest releases?

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