look in footer.php – make any adjustments in a child theme rather than in bp-default files.
i just found 1 footer.php under wp but i need to replace footer of bp ….of my current theme ……so in which file i ll get this footer.php for bp?
in the theme folder that has your BP theme files. What are you actually running, is BP installed and activated, and are you using the default theme? if so the theme files live in the buddypress plugin directory but you shouldn’t edit them directly.
@andrea r i didnt find footer.php under my theme “wp-content/themes/bp defaut/footer.php”
You go to wp-admin/plugins/buddypress/themes/bp-defualt/footer.php
@naved you are now essentially running two threads on the same question, you need to keep to one only as it’s confusing and wasteful of peoples time if they respond on one where it’s already been answered on the other.
I have covered most of this now on another thread