how to combine activity tabs to one
I would like to combine all activity tabs (Personal, Mentions, Favorites, Friends) to one page.
I am able to use CSS to hide those tabs but I would like to know how to put them all in to one general tab named “All” or have it like that by default.I would also like to restrict those to only members that are friends and not to everybody but this is already in the forums.
Thank you
Hi there,
My suggestion is that you add a new menu item “All” and create a new set of queries for the page then make that page the default landing page for the profile activity page. Here’s my code to do this:
function bpex_set_member_default_nav() { if ( ! bp_is_user_profile() && ! bp_is_user_activity() && ! bp_is_user() ) { return; } bp_core_new_nav_default( array( 'parent_slug' => buddypress()->activity->id, // other "activity" sub_nav slugs : personal favorites friends groups mentons 'subnav_slug' => 'all-activity', 'screen_function' => 'bp_activity_screen_all_activity' ) ); } add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bpex_set_member_default_nav', 20 ); add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'bpex_just_me_tab', 50 ); add_action( 'bp_setup_admin_bar', 'bpex_admin_bar_add', 50 ); function bpex_just_me_tab() { if ( ! bp_is_user_profile() && ! bp_is_user_activity() && ! bp_is_user() ) { return; } global $bp; $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id(); bp_core_new_subnav_item( array( 'name' => _x( 'All', 'Profile activity screen sub nav', 'buddypress' ), 'slug' => 'all-activity', 'parent_url' => bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id ) . 'activity/', 'parent_slug' => 'activity', 'screen_function' => 'bp_activity_screen_all_activity', 'position' => 10 ) ); } function bpex_admin_bar_add() { global $wp_admin_bar, $bp; if ( ! bp_use_wp_admin_bar() || defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) ) { return false; } $user_id = get_current_user_id(); if ( ! $user_id || $user_id == 0 || ! is_numeric( $user_id ) ) { return; } // Personal. //$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu( 'my-account-activity-personal', 'my-account-activity' ); $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array( 'parent' => 'my-account-activity', 'id' => 'my-account-activity-all-activity', 'title' => 'All', 'href' => bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id ) . 'activity/all-activity/', 'position' => 10 ) ); } function bp_activity_screen_all_activity() { do_action( 'bp_activity_screen_all_activity' ); bp_core_load_template( apply_filters( 'bp_activity_template_all_activity', 'members/single/home' ) ); } function bp_activity_filter_all_activity_scope( $retval = array(), $filter = array() ) { // Determine the user_id. if ( ! empty( $filter['user_id'] ) ) { $user_id = $filter['user_id']; } else { $user_id = bp_displayed_user_id() ? bp_displayed_user_id() : bp_loggedin_user_id(); } // Should we show all items regardless of sitewide visibility? $show_hidden = array(); if ( ! empty( $user_id ) && $user_id !== bp_loggedin_user_id() ) { $show_hidden = array( 'column' => 'hide_sitewide', 'value' => 0 ); } // Determine groups of user. $groups = groups_get_user_groups( $user_id ); if ( empty( $groups['groups'] ) ) { $groups = array( 'groups' => 0 ); } // Determine the favorites. $favs = bp_activity_get_user_favorites( $user_id ); if ( empty( $favs ) ) { $favs = array( 0 ); } // Determine friends of user. $friends = friends_get_friend_user_ids( $user_id ); if ( empty( $friends ) ) { $friends = array( 0 ); } $retval = array( 'relation' => 'OR', array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'column' => 'user_id', 'compare' => 'IN', 'value' => (array) $friends ) ), array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'column' => 'component', 'value' => buddypress()->groups->id ), array( 'column' => 'item_id', 'compare' => 'IN', 'value' => (array) $groups['groups'] ) ), array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'column' => 'user_id', 'value' => $user_id ) ), array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'column' => 'id', 'compare' => 'IN', 'value' => (array) $favs ) ), array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'column' => 'content', 'compare' => 'LIKE', // Start search at @ symbol and stop search at closing tag delimiter. 'value' => '@' . bp_activity_get_user_mentionname( $user_id ) . '<' ) ), // We should only be able to view sitewide activity content for friends. array( 'column' => 'hide_sitewide', 'value' => 0 ), // Overrides. 'override' => array( 'filter' => array( 'user_id' => 0 ), 'show_hidden' => true ), ); return $retval; } add_filter( 'bp_activity_set_all-activity_scope_args', 'bp_activity_filter_all_activity_scope', 10, 2 );
Once you have done that you would also want to overload the buddypress/bp-templates/your-template/members/single/activity.php to make sure this new page contains the post update form:
if ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_is_my_profile() && ( !bp_current_action() || bp_is_current_action( 'just-me' ) ) ) bp_get_template_part( 'activity/post-form' );
if ( is_user_logged_in() && bp_is_my_profile() && ( !bp_current_action() || bp_is_current_action( 'all-activity' ) ) ) bp_get_template_part( 'activity/post-form' );
Note: with this method there is a danger of duplicating activity since a friend posting to a group would show up in the groups search as well as the friends search etc. so you may want to adjust the $retval criteria.
Also you might want to add a post form for visiting users so they can leave a comment for the user, you could ad this:
function bpex_load_mention_me() { if ( get_current_user_id() != bp_displayed_user_id() ) { $_GET['r'] = bp_activity_get_user_mentionname( bp_displayed_user_id() ); bp_get_template_part( 'activity/post-form' ); } } add_action( 'bp_before_member_body', 'bpex_load_mention_me' );
I’ve updated this code with more options
I will try that, sounds very promising – thank you! 🙂
Hi @venutius,
I really like your code.
I’ve been trying to a custom metavalue I created to your bp_activity_filter_all_activity_scope function.
So far it looks like:
$industry = xprofile_get_field_data( 2, $user_id, false );
array( 'meta_query' => array( array('meta_key' => 'bpcat', 'meta_key' => $industry)) ),
The activity posts can be tagged with an industry, then the aim is to have the activities show up in the feeds of people in that industry.
I’ve combined this code into a plugin with some extra options:
@btees you are not setting this up correctly, when you use the meta_query, you need to specify the key (not meta key) and the value (not meta_value).
array( 'meta_query' => array( 'key' => 'bpcat', 'value' => $industry ) ),
Hi @venutius, thanks for the reply.
Sorry, I used that at first and then changed to meta_key and meta_value in a stupor after hours of not figuring it out.
I feel like my issue may be figuring out how to properly nest the array values. It’s so frustrating because I feel like I’m always just on the cusp of it!
So at the moment the start of my code looks like:
$retval = array( 'relation' => 'OR', array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'column' => 'user_id', 'compare' => 'IN', 'value' => (array) $friends ) ), array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'meta_query' => array( 'key' => 'bpcat', 'value' => 'image', ) ) ),
For the moment I’ve set the metavalue to the static value of ‘image’ to try to get my loop working before adding any further complexity
I’ve achieved what I wanted. Most likely in an incredibly convoluted way.
If anyone can see any glaring issues with my code please shout. I’m a ludite when it comes to querying databases, arrays, etc.
// Create the array for post ids related to the users industry global $wpdb; $industry = xprofile_get_field_data( 2, $user_id, false ); $metas = $wpdb->get_results ( "SELECT activity_id FROM wp_bp_activity_meta WHERE meta_value='$industry'" ); $metasjson = json_decode( json_encode($metas), true); $newList = array(); foreach($metasjson as $key=>$listItem) { $newList[$key] = $listItem['activity_id']; }
Then I added the below to your $retval
// Get Posts in Specified Category array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'column' => 'id', 'compare' => 'IN', 'value' => (array) $newList ) ),
Have you got error logging on? What errors are you seeing?
One thing I can see from a quick glance:
$metas = $wpdb->get_results ( "SELECT activity_id FROM {$wpdp->prefix}bp_activity_meta WHERE meta_key = $key AND meta_value = $industry" );
In this case $industry must be a single value string, which I think is correct.
Hi! Great post!
But i only need that the user only can be the activity of his friends and group and not to all the community.
Any suggest? i cant found a solution for it.
Thanks!!!i found it!!
array( 'column' => 'hide_sitewide', 'value' => 1 ),
WOW, I mean wow!
Thank you so much all for all the input and solutions you provided! I’ve been off for a while and was astonished by all your replies!
Thank you very, very much! I will try this out today and let you know of my results as well 🙂
Thank you!
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