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How to configure BP front-end user menu

  • @damian12


    I can’t find how to change some things in the user’s menu options.

    This menu:

    I want to remove some things in there, for example the “Projects” or “Docs” sections. Or maybe translate all those options into spanish languaje.

    I’m not an experienced blogger so any help you can bring me will be appreciated.

    Thank you very much.

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  • @sharmavishal




    Check also your plugins language files. On your menu they’re 2 items (projects & docs) which are not part of BuddyPress.



    Great, thank you both.

    I’ve done all of this:

    Languages and Translations

    I’ve created the wp-content>languages>buddypress folder and pasted there the and .po.

    Now, how can i activate that buddypress languaje from the adminCP.

    Note: My wordpress is in es_AR and the buddypress languaje i found is es_VE.
    They are pretty much the same language, but the es_AR BP translation is about 5% in the contrib. page so i opted for download the es_VE.

    Thank you.



    Site language is the reference. Go to Settings > General and choose your site language.

    If you use es_AR, you should use
    If you use es_ES, you should use
    and so on…

    At each update, language files are also updated. This means that if you use bp-es_VE and the site is declared as using es_AR, your bp file will be updated to es_AR and BP will use this one instead bp-es_VE.

    It would be better you use same language for site and plugins. What you can do, is to rename es_VE to buddypress-es_AR.po/mo. You need also to modify accordingly the header information in the po file. To do that you need to use poEdit to compile it to mo and get the correct header in it.

    Note also that BP translation should be installed in wp-content/languages/plugins/



    That’s great danbp, we’re almost there. I’ve renamed both files as you told me.

    What do you mean in “modify the header information in the .po file” ?
    I’m right here with de .po file opened in the poEdit but can’t find that header information to change.

    And with that i think all this thing will be resolved.

    Thank you very much.



    when u save the default .po file it would pop up lang missing or something similar…fix that



    It doesn’t pop up anything.

    By the way, there are some pending translations but when i look for them in the poEdit with Ctrl+F, some of they appear, and i can translate them, but some of them doesn’t appear. How can i translate those pending words?




    In PoEdit > Catalog > Property.

    Or open the po with a text editor and check the header. Looks like this:
    (that’s the header of the Glotpress version for fr_FR)

    # Translation of Stable (latest release) in French (France)
    # This file is distributed under the same license as the Stable (latest release) package.
    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 17:53:59+0000\n"
    "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
    "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n > 1;\n"
    "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.1.0-alpha\n"
    "Project-Id-Version: Stable (latest release)\n"

    Important things are:
    "PO-Revision-Date: 2016-05-24 17:53:59+0000\n"
    "Project-Id-Version: Stable (latest release)\n"

    Id can be text or numeric (ie. stable or 2.5.2).



    I you work with poEdit, nothing pop-up.
    The best way to get all strings, is to open the po file first, than to update it by loading the .pot file coming with each BP version.

    poEdit > catalog > update with pot file



    by pop up i meant a notification that you have not specified lang/version/etc while saving



    There are some items that i manually translate in poEdit and the results are fine in my web, but there are others that are well translated in the poEdit, but i can’t see the changes in the web.

    For example: As you can see in photo 1, the translation is done. Then i save changes and import as usually, and when i go to my web, the translation is not available as you can see in photo 2. What could be the problem here? Thank you.





    Unable to reproduce. It’s working for me. Here’s what i see on my test site.

    translation to spanish

    What i did:
    – set site language to español de argentina
    – downloaded venezuela’s version of po/mo
    – renammed both file to buddypress-es_AR (
    – added the file to this directory wp-content/languages/plugins/

    That worked without changing header information, as ID is still “stable”. Sorry, my fault.

    Perhaps try to change the theme to see if something get different. Apparently there are some missing tabs aside “subir”. Compare pictures.

    Do you use a child-theme where you changed a profile template ?



    No dan, i’m not using the child theme, should i?

    This problem also happens in others translations arround my site, not only in “subir”.
    Badly to me, i have not other template that supports buddypress, but i will try to find one and install it to check that. Thanks for your awesome support.

    EDIT: I just changed the template and the translations works fine. So the problem is the template. What do you think i should do to fix it?



    > I just changed the template and the translations works fine.

    Which template did you changed ? What do you want to fix if it works now ?
    Have you tried with a Twenty theme ?



    > Which template did you changed?
    I changed the theme (thrive social) i’m testing , editing & setting because i want that theme for my site. I set another one i have installed (socialMe) to see if the translation problem in some places of the site persist in this one.

    > What do you want to fix if it works now ?
    I want to fix the problem in the thrive social template because that will be my main template.

    Yo said something like

    Apparently there are some missing tabs aside “subir”

    . What is that about?



    Hum… Thrive is a premium theme for which we can’t assist you as we have no access to his code. Sorry, but you have to ask for help on the theme support.

    And BP is not the problem i guess.

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