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How to create a different registration form for different member types

  • @stephunique


    I would like to create multiple registration forms for different membership types, just like the people I saw in this post:

    Multiple Registration Forms?

    I saw that Webizone and Minijuji1 had a solution. But, I am not a technical person and was already stumped in step 1 when Webizone said to “Copy the the contents of the bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/register.php into the new registration page template

    I am not sure what the “registration page template” is. Surely it is not a new page within the wordpress dashboard? Where do I find or how do I create this new “registration page template”?

    I also do not understand hooks at all. Is there an easier explanation or solution for non-web developers?

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  • @stephunique


    Update clarification:
    Apparently member types is front end and visitors to the site sees something like “User1 is an student” and “User2 is a teacher” where student and teachers are the member types, but user roles is back end and can be used to create conditions in wordpress.

    What I’d like is something that allows people to register as different roles/types that can then allow them to be automatically (as opposed to the site admin having to manually assign each user after they sign up) restricted or redirected to different pages. For example, people who want to register as students use Form1 which automatically registers them as role/type “student”, and people who want to register as teachers use Form2 which automatically registers them as role/type “teachers”. Then all teachers get access to quizzes and quiz answers page, but students only get access to quizzes page.

    I am only testing so I would like a free alternative, I don’t mind using several plugins to work together. I saw an old post on Stackexchange recommending a plugin called “Buddypress User Account Type” but this plugin is not available anymore.

    Is there anyone who knows of an alternative?




    Update: I have discovered a work-around and would like to post it here in case it is useful to anyone else.

    I installed both BuddyPress for its membership functions (eg profiles, directory) and also “User Registration” plugin ( for the registration form. User Registration plugin allows you to have more than one user registration forms and you can set what role you want each registration form to automatically assign to the user that signs up with that form. For example, you can create a form for teachers, and a separate form for students, and have the forms assign the respective roles to registrants of the form. Of course you need to create the roles first: t do this, use some sort of plugin that lets you manage user roles. I used “Members” ( You can then create restrictions using this plugin and control the pages that each user role can and cannot have access to.

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