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How to delete the Name field from Registration?

  • @swennet


    I’ve done a lot of searching but did not find a complete answer on how to do this.

    Basically, I want users to sign up with a Username, Email and Password. I want to disable the BuddyPress “Name” field (which is required).

    The Display Name for every user will be the same as their username.

    Every answer I found suggests using Javascript to hide this field. This seems like a terrible solution to me.

    How can I completely disable the required Name field from the registration and profile pages?

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  • @djpaul


    Right now, you can’t. It’s a mandatory and required field, and very much hardcoded throughout BuddyPress.

    You *might* be able to not show the form if you replace the sign-up process with a Gravity Form (I think that’s it — one of the form plugins). I know @dimensionmedia has done this; I’m not sure he regularly reads these forums, but if he does, hopefully he’ll clarify if I’ve remembered correctly.

    I suspect even if that is an option, you’ll still need to programatically set the name field to something.



    Using Gravity Forms is one solution, yes. It’s easy once you have the plugin itself PLUS the “user registration” plugin they offer which i think is open only for the developer license. It completely replaces the BuddyPress registration form. I use it for a variety of sites that need more complex registration forms (there of course is a tradeoff, but one of the pluses is that Gravity Forms are rock solid against registration spam).

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