Hi @aluxi33, this can easily be done via this code
function my_disable_bp_registration() {
remove_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_core_wpsignup_redirect' );
remove_action( 'bp_screens', 'bp_core_screen_signup' );
add_action( 'bp_loaded', 'my_disable_bp_registration' );
add_filter( 'bp_get_signup_page', "firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page");
function firmasite_redirect_bp_signup_page($page ){
return bp_get_root_domain() . '/wp-signup.php';
What you will need to do is first create a bp-custom.php file (make sure you add the opening and closing tags at the top and bottom ) and put it in your plugins folder, then paste the code between the php opening and closing tags and save.
This should disable buddypress registration and let you use wordpress registration as default, hope this helps.
Ohhh man, that sounds confusing. I’ll give it a try though.
This was the question I had, and when I put this into the folder, I then got an error asking me if I was sure I was supposed to be doing this.
Are there any other steps to this that I need to be aware of?
The URL given was mydomain.com/user-error/?message=nononce
I am really not sure how to get past that.. I did disable the registration and activation pages in the BP Page settings.
Update: Turns out another plugin had caused this error, and it is repaied now. The name of it was Frontend or something like that, it disables access to things like the registration and such for security, and idk how I missed that, but yeah.
Thanks for the fix!
What you will need to do is first create a bp-custom.php file (make sure you add the opening and closing tags at the top and bottom ) and put it in your plugins folder, then paste the code between the php opening and closing tags and save.
I am really confused.
I created a ‘bp-custom.php file’. Do I copy and paste the code you posted above inside that file and then upload to plugin directory? I am not that experienced so please be as specific as possible.
I got it to work. Thank you very much, mcpeanut.
@vanishsequence @aluxi33 Glad it worked for you both and aluxi dont worry man if you get things wrong at first i was the exact same when i came here a few years back and was struggling to understand where to add and edit code, it gets easier the more you read and start to mess around with code snippets etc, trust me ive had my fair share of frustrating head banging moments over the last few years trying to figure out things i needed to do.
tbh though most of the time i have spent has been learning about server hardening and server configuring on the linux side of things so most of the head banging moments have came from that lmao.