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How to edit registr Header Message “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account”

  • @ngoegan


    WP 4.9.2
    Theme Twenty Twelve
    BP 2.9.3
    BP Registration Options

    When a user registers for our site, they see a message with a header that reads, “Check Your Email To Activate Your Account!”

    Everything I’ve read says that this can only be edited in the Po and Mo files? I downloaded PoEdit and tried to open the file but I get an error.

    How can I edit this title? I’m not sure why they are receiving this message in the first place because they don’t receive an email until admin approves them. Is this an error in BP Registration Options? Or is is there something wrong with our site? I have downloaded and deleted several private site and approve new user type plugins trying to find the right solution.

    Thank you for any help, it is much appreciated.

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  • @venutius


    The users get this message when they have yet to activate their account, it’s a basic feature of BuddyPress – each new user gets sent an activation email.

    If you got to your wp-content/plugins/buddypress directory you will find the US translation of BuddyPress – buddypress-en_US,po, make a local copy of this and load it into PoEdit, you can then create your own translation, changing the words how you link, just search for the phrase you want to change.



    According to this page, it says they should be receiving message that says “Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator….”

    BuddyPress Registration Options



    They get the activation email before the admin has activated their account, they can actviate but then they will get the message that they need to wait for approval.



    I tested it and they don’t get any email until I approve them, which isn’t immediate. So it’s. “Check your email that we sent you now.” and then they don’t get it right away until later when I approve them. I think there’s something glitchy going on with my install – I’ve tried a lot of plugins to achieve a private site with new user moderation. No one plugin does it all that I can find.



    That behaviour must have changed since last time I tested it. You should ask in the forum for the plugin

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