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How to enable a WYSIWYG editor for activity stream posts

  • @dainismichel


    hey is there a way to enable a WYSIWYG editor for activity streams posts? that way, i would not have to enable user blogs, but users could post real blog posts with pictures and stuff…

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  • @pisanojm


    There is this plugin:

    And this one:

    Problem is both seem to have had their developers stop supporting them… Maybe somebody here can pick up the development or you can maybe find a developer to build upon them for you… You can those two out and see if they work.. I haven’t tried either.

    I don’t know of any other plugins that do what you want, perhaps someone else here will…



    thnx…the bp-dev one seems to offer formatting but no pics…the other one does look quite old…252 days…hmm…



    Like I said… both devs. have stopped supporting them…



    does that mean it’s impossible? have not tested the plugins yet. anyway what would it take to enable this feature? i kinda have a workaround in mind…



    It’s definitely not impossible; it’s just no one’s put in the time to post or update one.

    Boone’s BP TinyMCE is the most updated one out there, but still needs a bit of work with the activity streams.



    Yeah, BP TinyMCE won’t take much to make it work. I think it’s just a matter of making sure that the CSS selectors in the JS are correct (they changed early in the life of bp-default). One of these days I will get around to updating it. Sorry it’s been gathering dust for so long.



    Basically, if you are a guest to the site, you can make comments, but don’t get BP TinyMCE, if you are logged in, then all your comments and updates, etc., can be done with BP TinyMCE.



    Are there any updates to this? I changed the selectors in the javascript, but still nothing. Also, on activation, I received “The plugin generated 350 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”, though I couldn’t see the output…



    Edit* I corrected the <? to <?php on the loader.php file and tried reuploading it. The error went away and the textareas show the tinymce. But now when I enter content and click submit (in the activity stream for instance), I get an error- "Please enter some content to post.".



    Okay, fixed this as well…. js file uses j(“input#aw-whats-new-submit”) as the selector. I got it working now. Nice plugin, very useful.

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