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how to get rid of the admin bar in bp 1.6

  • @charlietech


    After uploading to 1.6, the admin reappeared and the remove admin plugin isnt working. does anybody know how to remove it?

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  • @karmatosed


    Hi Charlietech, the BuddyPress admin bar is now merged with the WordPress one.

    So, you can use this:

    ‘add_filter(‘show_admin_bar’, ‘__return_false’);` in your functions.php file to turn off fully.

    Alternatively, you can use:

    ‘Settings > BuddyPress : Toolbar Show the Toolbar for logged out users’

    You can also select to show or hide the WordPress admin bar on your own profile.

    If none of those work for you then you may need to look see if your theme is forcing something.

    Just a slight point on top though, if possible can you only start one thread per question as it does help to focus responses?



    where would I put the add_filter? can I put it at the bottom?

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