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How to have a Dynamic xProfile field?

  • @bluesharp


    Hi everyone,

    I have a schools drop-down field in my User Profile.

    There are about 200+ schools and I will need to add more later.

    I want to know, if it’s possible to have a dynamic drop-down? So that I can add/edit/delete the schools list and it will auto update into the xProfile field. Or another way so that I don’t have to click add option in xProfile Field many times.

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  • @bluesharp


    To anyone who want the same thing, follow my below steps.

    I have a text file contains about 600+ names of schools and I want to make a schools-drop-down – So It’s very time-consuming to click add option one by one. It needs another way:

    1. Content of The Schools list text file.
    Tamale Polytechnic
    Kumasi Polytechnic
    Accra Polytechnic
    Cape Coast Polytechnic
    Koforidua Polytechnic
    Ho Polytechnic
    2. I go to xProfile and create a Drop-down named it Schools – I input one option say “A sample school” – save.
    3. I go to phpMyadmin -to Database to table gsl_bp_xprofile_fields – Search “A sample school” to find the newly created Sample schools row – on the result look at the
    columns: (group_id, parent_id, type , name) . they should have values like: (group_id: 1, parent_id: 127,type :’option’ ,name :’A sample school’).
    4. Next I use a Core Java code(because I don’t know how to do this in PHP) to read the schools list text file one by one and custom the print out like this:

    String fileName = "D://Schools.txt";
    String line = null;
    try {
      FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(fileName);
      BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(fileReader);
      while((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
        line = line.replace("'", "");
        String sqlBase = "INSERT INTO gsl_bp_xprofile_fields (group_id,parent_id, type,name) VALUES (1, 127,'option' ,"+"'"+line+"'"+");";

    After running the above code I have a list of SQL insert commands printed on my eclipse they look like this:

    INSERT INTO gsl_bp_xprofile_fields (group_id,parent_id, type,name) VALUES (1, 127,'option' ,'Tamale Polytechnic');
    INSERT INTO gsl_bp_xprofile_fields (group_id,parent_id, type,name) VALUES (1, 127,'option' ,'Kumasi Polytechnic');
    INSERT INTO gsl_bp_xprofile_fields (group_id,parent_id, type,name) VALUES (1, 127,'option' ,'Accra Polytechnic');

    ….many more insert commands until the end of the schools file 600+

    5. Next, I copy all these commands, come back phpMyadmin database- table gsl_bp_xprofile_fields – to SQL tab, paste all commands, click run/go to insert all the options.

    That’s all done for me!

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