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how to have comment and replies collapse and expand.

  • @aliceembroid


    I have buddypress with just one activity stream, I want to have it so that replies will be collapsed until a user clicks on it to read the threads. Can someone help me please?
    My page is very long and hard for people to find the comments they want to read.

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  • @phoenon


    Good news Timothy, thanks!



    Thanks. I’m not sure yet, I think Bp Comments Collapse and Expand or just Bp Comments for short. They still haven’t reviewed it, and I have to learn how to upload to a subversion respiratory with tortoiseSvn which looks really complicated.



    Thanks for your work and your fast reply!

    Have you considered uploading your work to ? Here you can receive feedback directly and people can report bugs? I have seen a lot of developers use it. It is a great way to get help for it also.
    You can start from here:

    Is there a place where I can see/get your code at the moment? (saw that you had problems pasting it in here)

    Really appreciate your work :)



    Thanks @digte , let me look into it and if I am able to post it there I will post a link.

    *edit, wordpress approved the plugin, I have a link to the plugin as soon as possible



    @janismo @Aliceembroid @el_terko @phoenon @4ella @digte WordPress and Buddypress finally registered it

    *edit: If you plan on installing this plugin, please note that you must undo any changes made that were previously discussed within this forum topic.



    Cool Timothy. should I take all the other code out before I activate it?



    yes alice, thanks I just remembered to add that to my last post. Please let me know if everything works correctly.

    *edit: just saw your site, please uninstall. Guess there are still a few bugs…
    *edit: I left out the main file, just finished it a few hours ago but didn’t upload it. It might take a few minutes to propagate to the wordpress server



    Ha ha, just broke it trying to remove the code and I can’t find a back up for the entry php. I will need to sort that out before I try the pluggin,
    here is the code that I have in my entry.php

    <li class="” id=”activity-“>

    <a href="”>

    <a href="” class=”acomment-reply” id=”acomment-comment-“> ()

    <a href="” class=”fav” title=””>

    <a href="” class=”unfav” title=””>

    – ·
    <a href="” class=”view” title=””>

    <form action="” method=”post” id=”ac-form-” class=”ac-form”>

    <textarea id="ac-input-” class=”ac-input” name=”ac_input_”>

    <input type="submit" name="ac_form_submit" value=" →” />  
    <input type="hidden" name="comment_form_id" value="” />

    I think I am missing

    ` but I an not sure where to put it,



    it goes directly after ` `

    Please don’t install the plugin just yet, it will take a few minutes before the main file propagates to the servers of both bp and wp



    OK I have fixed the entry php and applied the plugin I have this errror on the page
    Fatal error: Call to undefined function bp_is_activity() in /home/embroid/public_html/social/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-comments-collapse-and-expand/comment-colexp.php on line 107



    Yes, that’s because i forgot a file and wp and bp has not updated the folders on their server. Please uninstall, sorry about that. Didn’t think it would be this complicated.



    Ok alice, try this
    delete the first plugin folder.

    go to wp-admin.php
    go to plugins
    add a new plugin
    and search “bp activity comments”
    That should be the stable version.

    *edit: tested them all. They are all stable versions including the main files.



    Perfect, and my gallery still works.
    thanks Timothyl.



    Your welcome, glad it works.



    Timothy, there is a glitch when a comment is made on a new member registering, everything is sort of piled on top of each other. I guess that you started with just comments then added photos and this is just one more thing that had not been thought of.
    I do love the plugin, it is always easier than editing code.



    Hi alice, I uploaded a fix, please go to your admin panel and see if the “0.3” version of the plugin is available.



    All fixed, thank you Timothy.



    hi @timothyjunior,
    could you or anyone else please explain how to update/get your tutorial from the first page to work with jquery 1.6.1?

    I have updated the code from header to



    but comments still are revealed.

    Is it something connected to (?):

    ” • Selectors that include [property=value] now require quotes. So
    will not work. It needs to be

    •All ‘selected’, ‘checked’ and ‘disabled’ properties should use the new .prop() method introduced in jQuery 1.6 instead of .attr(). In most cases .attr() will still work but for example
    .attr(‘checked’, ”) “

    thank you.



    there is already plugin that doing this sort of coding..its nice to have this manually for those advance users but I highly recommend the plugin Bp Comments collapse/expand By TimothyJunior just search for it..




    I really doubt that plugin is working, since it uses same code and calls same 1.3.2 jQuery



    Anyone know if this code would still work, its been 3 years. Looking to accomplish the same thing today.

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