I don’t use buddypress for my user account sign up even though I use buddypress, you might want to give this a look http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/15954/separate-registration-and-login-for-different-roles
@piratescott thanks for that link, I followed it and added the code into my theme functions.php file, but when I try the link at mysite/wp-login.php?action=register&role=seller it will auto redirect to the mysite/register page. How did you get this done?
For now, I’ve come to another solution, where I allow users to Register new account with base Fields and a Role selection (Student or Lecturer in my case). They then fill in only base field and then after account creation they can update their Student or Lecture xProfile Group Fields in their profile page edit.
I do these above by using 3 plugins:
1. https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpfront-user-role-editor/
This will allow me to add new Role: Student and Lecturer in my case (I have tried other Role plugin but they conflict with other plugins on my site, this one doesn’t).
2. https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-roles-at-registration/
This one allow me to add a Drop down for New user to choose their wanted role : Student or Lecturer
3. https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/buddypress-xprofiles-acl/
This plug in allow me to set buddypress xProfile group to a specific user role. In my case, I created two xProfile Group fields named “Student” and “Lecture” each has different fields. Then using this plugin I assigne the xProfile Student to Student Role, and the xProfile Lecturer to Lecturer Role.
That’s all done!
Meanwhile I will use this, but I still want to be able to have two sign up forms with different fields so that I can require New user to fill in the Required field to make the profile better. I can’t code much so hope someone will help!