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How to link a widget BuddyPress Groups to a Forums directory?

  • @iryna_b


    WP -3.9.2
    BuddyPress – 2.02

    Hi, I wanted to use a widget BuddyPress Groups, but I wanted to make redirection not to a group directory but to a forum of a chosen group. Is it possible? So, when a user clicks on desired group name, he is being redirected right to the forum of that group?

    Ans also, there fields under group title, saying how long is the group been active. How can I delete this characteristic?
    Thank you!

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  • @danbp



    and what about if the user doesn’t use the widget navigation but goes directly to a group ?
    Change the group landing tab ! Thought it’s simplier.

    See here how to do it.

    For the group header information, you can create a child-theme and modify group-header.php file
    Line 40 you remove this:
    <span class="activity"><?php printf( __( 'active %s', 'buddypress' ), bp_get_group_last_active() ); ?></span>



    Thank you!
    As for child theme, i followed instructions from the BB codex “Building a Child Theme of the BP Default Theme”. I uploaded the buddypress-child theme folder into wp-content/themes/, created style.css with the following lines
    Theme Name: BuddyPress Child
    Author: Iryna
    Author URI:
    Template: bp-default
    Tags: buddypress, two-column, grey, dark

    but when i go to appearance>themes>it shows me this message:
    “Broken Themes
    The following themes are installed but incomplete. Themes must have a stylesheet and a template.
    Name Description
    BuddyPress Child The parent theme is missing. Please install the “bp-default” parent theme.”

    What am I doing wrong?

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