I don’t think so, because BuddyPress doesn’t make use of WordPress roles or capabilities yet
@djpaul I saw you all moved the roles adaption to BP back to 1.4 in the trac.
Is there any quick fix to give somebody the ability to edit all groups/activity yet not make them an admin? This is the biggest issue for us. We need a way to make a couple of users moderate everything as well as be able to edit activity items, etc.
If someone puts together a good patch, there’s no reason — at this moment in time — why it couldn’t be put in. It’s just of the 50-odd tickets currently in 1.3, and with three core developers, we only have so much time. Because we haven’t started on it, it would be a pretty big change at this stage of the release cycle and so is not a development priority. Patches welcome however 
Looks like there should be filters in bp_update_is_item_admin() that you could use to sort of hack in roles or custom permissions maybe
As I am not able to program this type of thing… Is there anyone out there that already has a patch/mod for this type of “super-user” for BuddyPress?
I need users that can edit moderate every group as well as make text edits and delete items in the activity stream, yet has not access to screw things up in the back-end, because they are “admins”.