How to move adminbar links to sidebar?
I would like to add certain links that are found in the admin bar into the sidebar, such as Profile
@Me Mentions
LogoutI do not want to remove the admin bar or any of its links I would just like to add the list above to the sidebar.
How can I do this??Thanks for any help
Can anyone help me with this? I’d greatly appreciate it.
A sollution for this problem would be helpful for me too.
Could I just create a text widget in the side bar with something like this for example. open tag profile “profile” closing tags or something similar?
would really love to get some help on this. I just feel it creates a simpler user navigation for there menus.
eorYou can use the following code to create navigation links:
You can build the links by using the $userlink tag + adding the correct urls
good luck
ps: How can I display code properly in the new forums?
I can’t seem to get that to work. I tried using the $userlink tag and the correct urls but it just brings me back to the home page everytime I try to use it. Any other way of generating the proper links?
eoranybody have a way to do this?
eorhi eor …. dont use $userlink tag ….. its better to use “php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain()
hope that helps
`php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain()` obviously points towards a users Main Profile page, do you know how I would then be able to change this so that it points to the others items such as Inbox, Upload a Photo etc…?
*** Shamelessly bumps the thread and waves his hands in the hope that someone can help ***
I am bumping this too as I would really like to do this. Can anyone write the exact link to put in, i.e. “php echo bp_loggedin_user_domain()…”, for the following items?
Surely somebody knows the answer to this? This question has been asked countless times on this board and yet nobody responds. Having spent a bit of time on these boards I know that some of you guys are proper gurus with this stuff; please help us that are less versed in solving this problem.
Maybe this helps:
@josemv you are an absolute star mate, thank you very much that is exactly what I was after.
@acaps2007 here you go mate, as requested I have copied a few of the ones that I have put onto my site, should let you get the idea if used in conjunction with the link that josemv provided.
<li class="page_item current_page_item"><a href="">Profile</a></li> <li class="page_item current_page_item"><a href="messages/inbox">Inbox</a></li> <li class="page_item current_page_item"><a href="album">Portfolio</a></li>
This is very helpful, but I would really appreciate one more thing. The nav bar has a link that says “Notifications”. When you get a message or something, it adds a number to the side, for how many notifications you have. For example, if you get one message, it puts the number “1” on the right. When you mouse over it, it shows you the notifications and you can click to go to them. How would I put the same link with mouse over effect on my site? I am very confused. Thank you for the help!!!
That would be a very nice addition to what I have done now. I now have the links I wanted from the Admin bar within the Navbar of my template – one of which is Inbox – and it would be nice if I could display the number of unread messages next to the “Inbox” menu text in the nav bar.
Any thoughts?
While we wait for a reply, I just wanted to thank everyone for the help. You all are amazing!
the post linked below says how to display the number of unread messages.But I would prefer the idea @acaps2007 has proposed, that’s the “notification” item and the mouse over effect, since in a buddypress community, we would have
1. private messages
2. friend requests
3. group requests
4. group invites
5. mentionsAlthough the last one is not included in the default bp notification count, combining the previous four in one place would still help a lot.
I think I’ve find an easy way to provide the effect you mentioned. It’s rather a css trick than a php-code way. Below is what I’ve find during this process:
First, I find the function
, but it only works when adminbar is enable, and it simply lists out all notifications rather than the “mouse-over” effect we want. It seemsadmin-bar.js
is also required, which is totally beyond me.So I realized that since it already requires adminbar to be enable in the first place, why are we bothering to duplicate this item, especially in so complex a way?
We just need to hide all other items in adminbar, and re-position the notification menu.
So finally I come up with this:
/** Play with admin-bar to grab notification menu */ #wp-admin-bar { position: absolute; } #wp-admin-bar .padder { background: none; } #wp-admin-bar .padder #admin-bar-logo, #wp-admin-bar .padder ul #bp-adminbar-account-menu, #wp-admin-bar .padder ul #bp-adminbar-blogs-menu, #wp-admin-bar .padder ul #bp-adminbar-thisblog-menu, #wp-admin-bar .padder ul #bp-adminbar-authors-menu, #wp-admin-bar .padder ul #bp-adminbar-visitrandom-menu { display: none; }
Now we have notification menu there, and it’s no longer a “always-in-the-front” item. What remains to be done is further defining the style of this little baby, its position, background color, font color, etc.
Hope this would do some help.
That’s a good fix, but unfortunately my theme doesn’t display an admin bar at all. That’s why I need to re-create certain things, like notifications…
Mo’ resources for this topic:
What I’ve found finally:(It’s based on this article: if you just set your adminbar to be hidden in css rather than completely disable it in the
, you could useto call the notification menu.
If you’ve completely disabled adminbar, then use the following code instead(it’s copied from bp-core-adminbar.php):
<?php global $bp; if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) return false; echo '<li id="bp-adminbar-notifications-menu"><a>loggedin_user->domain . '">'; _e( 'Notifications', 'buddypress' ); if ( $notifications = bp_core_get_notifications_for_user( $bp->loggedin_user->id ) ) { ?> <span></span> <?php } echo '</a>'; echo '<ul>'; if ( $notifications ) { $counter = 0; for ( $i = 0; $i < count($notifications); $i++ ) { $alt = ( 0 == $counter % 2 ) ? ' class="alt"' : ''; ?> <li></li> <?php $counter++; } } else { ?> <li><a href="loggedin_user->domain ?>"></a></li> <?php } echo '</ul>'; echo '</li>'; ?>
And as I have found out, the js effect (what you called the “mouse over” effect) is dealt automatically by
In my case, I’m building a child theme of bp-default, so I don’t have to worry about js, just copy and paste css codes from
and adjust selectors accordingly.If you are not building a child theme of bp-default, then maybe you can try search in the global.js and make some copy and past.
Good luck !
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