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How to move BuddyPress to a new WP site?

  • @tille


    I am currently facing the task of moving an existing BP community to a new website. Basically it’s still the same website, but everything is re-designed and re-structured. So it’s basically a relaunch.
    Anyways – i have been looking ‘everywhere’ for a way to migrate or move the BuddyPress community (about 1000 members with quite complex xProfiles) to the newly built website – but so far I couldn’t find a way how to do this.
    I usually use WP All Export in combination with WP All Import, but that does not seem to do the trick here. So I was hoping for a plugin that is specialized in exporting and importing BP data, but so far could not find any.
    Am I looking in the wrong direction? Any help or pointers would be appreciated! Thank you!! Cheers!

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