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How to move the ” complete signup” button to the left

  • @pierjeant


    I am new to BP I have version BP 2.5.3 and WP 4.5.2. I love PB registration form that is simple and redirect new member to the email for activation. simple and efficient. I have a question regarding the registration form
    How can I move the ” complete signup” button to the left (under confirme Paswword). I have members saying it is hard to see way to the right on large screens.(or making it with an orange background?)
    I am not a programmer so I do not know PHP (but I know how to copy paste !!!!! 🙂
    If you can also mention the path for the file and also how to may be place it in my child subtheme’s folder so it does not get erased at the next update….(new to wordpress too, even at 72 there is still some learning todo!> Thanks!

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  • @danbp


    Topic moved to appropriate forum.



    add this from within your child-theme style.css:

    #buddypress .standard-form#signup_form div.submit {
    	float: left!important;		
    	background-color: orange!important;
    	height: auto!important;
    #buddypress .standard-form div.submit input {
    	margin: -12px 3px 3px 3px!important;



    Thank you!

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