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how to move the options bar

  • @dmcdmc


    Hi. I am running bp version 1.1.2 on MU and want to move the optionsbar.php. Right now it is in the default place, inside header.php in the container div. It is called with an if statement. In the old version of buddypress, I could simply move the php get call to where I wanted the options to appear. How do I move it around in this new version?

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  • @sbrajesh


    You can use the same way here,except that the call will be to locate_template not the old function.

    ‘<?php locate_template( array( ‘optionsbar.php’ ), true ) /* Load the currently displayed object navigation */ ?>’

    It is inside the conditional for your safety(you see it is in header.php by default and will appear on your site home page/other blog pages if you don’t put the conditional there).

    If you want to use it in old way,just move the above section from header to your template file and It should work.

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