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How to re-direct Login page

  • @saz25


    I am a newbie at BuddyPress.

    I am using WordPress 4.9.1
    BuddyPress 2.9.2

    On my new BuddyPress site, when a user wants to login, they click on the Login menu entry on the navigation bar. That takes them to the normal WordPress login page. Is there a way to have them see a more friendly and not the WordPress login page?

    thanks in advance.

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  • @leog371


    I am building a dating site theme for a guy now, I simply created a drop down login modal. Check it out here.

    Please be aware this is only up to show you, its not complete and I am actually building most of it on my local host. this is only to show you the working modal.

    Login Modal Demo Site Click Here



    Thanks again.
    How did you create the dropdown and link it such that clicking on Login brings it up?

    Also, how do I change the configuration and fields on the registration page?




    Lol, 🙂 well now your asking for the whole boxed lunch, lol.

    Um well ok, lets see here.
    first I created a bp-templates directory in my themes buddypress directory. I then created a file called login widget. On that file I went to bootstraps modal and added that in there and then simply broke down the buddypress login form into it.
    I called this into my main nav area using get_template_part in a <a href link. Its kind of time consuming but its really easy to do. To try to break it down piece by piece would take a while.



    What would really get you is what you would see it turn into when you login, lol. Oh boy it gets wicked after that. It basically changes from a login or register link to what I call notif links. Once you login that changes to 4 favicons that are links to profile, activity, messages and logout all with the counters on them, lol.

    try it out with the username “testit” and password “1234567890”






    @leog371 I am really interested in that your login. I would highly appreciate it if you gave me a really good break down on how you achieved it. Thanks, regards.





    Hey Sorry @dopeboy I didn’t see that last post. Well, I can do that but you will have to wait a couple hours. Busy building a custom front end dashboard right now. Will get back to you tonight sometime or early morning. Like 1 2 or 3 am North Carolina time.



    Add 301 redirect code in your page to redirect login page.



    @dopeboy and @saz25. Here you go, I created a tutorial for you. Let me know if its helpful. Create Modal Login



    As alternative @saz25, you can also take a look at It will work with almost all theme and easy to customize.



    @leog371 thanks very much mate. I appreciate your effort to help, it explains everything. Thanks again.



    @dopeboy No worries, if there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

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