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How to Re-Install

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    From the topic you referenced, it sounds like you moved the location of your WordPress files.

    It seems harmless enough, but it can cause a whole world of hurt (like you’re finding out now.)

    Sadly there isn’t a magic reset button to make everything go back into alignment, so chances are that to get things up and running you’re going to be debugging and manually editing some database entries.

    If keeping your existing data is important, and you’re in over your head, then it’s time to hire a professional to snoop around and see what they can salvage.



    I’ve already edited a bunch of tables in the database and manually searched an replaced any trace of the old URL. I’m just wondering if the reinstall would kill my bbpress and buddypress integration. They work perfectly now and users can register through bbpress and have a buddypress profile. I just wanted the wp-signup.php or wp-register.php to work. Either is fine with me!



    You state in the thread that you link to above:

    I had originally installed my wordpressmu under /wordpress-mu/ but then moved it to the root later.

    By making that simple directory switch, you’ve basically changed your site URL structure and messed up the DB.

    Read this entire WordPress Codex article, paying specific attention to the “Changing the URL directly in the database” section.

    Always backup your DB before making any changes–installing new plugins, upgrading, altering code in files, altering data directly in the MySQL tables, etcetera. You never know when some seemingly trivial change might mess up your entire install.

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