How to remoVe a section from a function?
I want to move the activity meta to below the activity content. Just like it’s done in this BP site.
The activity meta is inserted after action by adding ‘bp_insert_activity_meta’ at the end of the function.How can I create a custom function to remove this line– ‘if ( !empty( $action ) ) $action = bp_insert_activity_meta( $action );’ ?
The following code is the original bp function:
` function bp_get_activity_action() {
global $activities_template;
$action = $activities_template->activity->action;
$action = apply_filters( ‘bp_get_activity_action_pre_meta’, $action, &$activities_template->activity );if ( !empty( $action ) )
$action = bp_insert_activity_meta( $action );return apply_filters( ‘bp_get_activity_action’, $action, &$activities_template->activity );
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