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How to restrict users to child theme only

  • @webby101


    How could I use my child theme (child to twentyeleven) as the default theme when someone creates a new blog. I’ve tried everything and I’m starting to think it’s not possible.

    Location of twentyeleven parent theme:

    Location of BP child theme:

    My child theme is the only thing I have network activated but still it defaults to the twentyeleven parent. I’ve tried using the define(‘WP_DEFAULT_THEME’, ‘theme-folder-name’); method in the wp-config but I get a white screen when loading the sub-domained blog. I’ve tried hardcoding it into the default-constants.php with limited results.

    Please help!


    This is for a clean BP install using the latest versions of both WP and BP where blogs get created as a subdomain.

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  • @modemlooper


    Just to be sure, does the child theme have a different name and do you have => Template: twentyeleven in the style sheet header?



    Yes… they are named as follows:

    Parent theme:

    Child theme:

    Style sheet for child theme is as follows:

    Theme Name: Twenty Eleven Child
    Description: Child theme for the Twenty Eleven theme
    Template: twentyeleven

    @import url(“../twentyeleven/style.css”);

    How do they look?



    Have you tried using a different parent theme, to test if it’s the child or 20 11? I haven’t used 20 11 for a parent but I think I read somewhere a problem with 20 11 as a parent.



    also when you get a white page it could be a php coding error in your theme



    Just tried with 20 10 and I have the same problem. It won’t take hold of the child theme. I just get a blank white screen.



    btw, i’m now displaying PHP errors with display_errors = On via php.ini and all i see is the same blank white page :(



    yeah, I’m saying do not use the default themes that come with wordpress. Just to test. It shouldn’t matter but I think there have been problems with using default WP theme and children on MultiSite.

    Is your 20 11 parent theme BuddyPress ready? This could also be a problem. If you are using BP Template pack and 20 11 and then trying to use a child on top of that.



    “BuddyPress ready” – this is new to me :) Ummm… I’m just using 20 10 default that came with WordPress. If there is another can you point me to it?

    Thank you!



    This could be the issue not sure but to run BuddyPress you need to have a capable theme.

    Are you running BuddyPress? I know its a silly question but people have posted on here before about WP issues.

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